Update: We're currently raising further capital to meet demand and will be back in market soon. Please register your interest below.

Selling your home?
We guarantee a market price.

Join hundreds of Aussie home sellers who’ve received a Market Price Guarantee.

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    Our Market Price Guarantee

    Our Market Price Guarantee (or MPG) is an upfront commitment to buy your home for a market price – guaranteed for the length of your sale campaign. It means you can celebrate your sale the minute you list and your agent can leverage our offer to try to get you the dream price. The only way is up.

    It’s your selling super power.

    Awarded & Recognised

    Most innovative PropTech of the Year (2021) & Emerging FinTech of the Year Finalist (2020 & 2021).

    Why Customers Love Us

    A Guaranteed Market Offer

    You’ve sold the minute you list avoiding no offers, low ball offers, sale delays and all the associated stress

    Upside Only

    The only way is up – your agent can use our offer as leverage to try to get you the dream price

    Buy Sooner

    You can safely buy before you sell – buying sooner can save you 3% to 6% on your purchase price in a rising property market

    How it works

    • Get a free offer for your home
      We give you our independent view on potential sale price outcomes and make you a market offer, which we call a Market Price Guarantee or MPG
    • Run a standard sale campaign
      With your market offer locked in, you and your agent run a standard sale campaign, leveraging our offer from the moment you list
    • Sell to the highest bidder
      At the end of your campaign, you sell to the highest bidder – it could be us or a buyer found by your real estate agent.

    Why Brickfloor is better

    Selling with Brickfloor Traditional home sale

    Your selling competitive advantage:

    • A guaranteed market offer in 3 days
    • Leverage to maximise your sale price
    • Independent view on home value
    • Confidence to buy sooner
    • Guidance with your agent negotiations
    • 100% certainty & peace of mind

    If Brickfloor is your highest bidder:

    • Option to rent back your home
    • Fast & flexible settlement


    • Risk of no, low or delayed offers
    • No committed offer leverage
    • Unclear or inflated sale price views
    • Costly delayed buying decisions
    • Uncomfortable agent negotiations
    • High stress


    • No rent back option
    • Uncertain settlement terms

    Selling with Brickfloor

    Your selling competitive advantage:

    • A guaranteed market offer in 3 days
    • Leverage to maximise your sale price
    • Independent view on home value
    • Confidence to buy sooner
    • Guidance with your agent negotiations
    • 100% certainty & peace of mind

    If Brickfloor is your highest bidder:

    • Option to rent back your home
    • Fast & flexible settlement

    Traditional home sale

    • Risk of no, low or delayed offers
    • No committed offer leverage
    • Unclear or inflated sale price views
    • Costly delayed buying decisions
    • Uncomfortable agent negotiations
    • High stress
    • No rent back option
    • Uncertain settlement terms

    Did you know?

    UP TO

    Buying 6 months sooner can save you 3% to 6% on your purchase price in a rising property market1


    By leveraging the MPG to drive up bids, Brickfloor customers have received 8% higher sale prices on average2


    By avoiding pressure to discount this can typically save you 4% of your sale price3

    UP TO


    Marketing spend typically costs 0.5% to 1% of your home’s value – this spend is generally lost if your home does not sell4


    We’ve bought over 66% of our customer’s homes to date – our offers are truly within a market range


    We’ve put out over $170m of offers to Aussie home sellers to date – we’re humble, but we’ve been described by our customers as a “real estate revolution”


    Market Price Guarantee fee

    Getting a MPG is cost & obligation-free. You’ll have 7 days to decide if it’s right for you.

    If you wish to lock in a MPG, our fee is a small percentage of the MPG amount, payable at settlement, whether Brickfloor or a third party buys your home. We typically find that a MPG delivers a benefit to the seller much greater than our fee – potentially as high as 10% or more – meaning our fee more than pays for itself. See our “Did you know” section above.

    We’re so confident that our fee is great value for money that if you decide not to sell, we’ll waive our fee and only charge you $1,000 for our commitment.

    You pay our fee at settlement – when Brickfloor or a third party buys your home. There is no upfront cost to you.

    How we calculate your Market Price Guarantee

    We’ll ask you a series of questions about your home that will help us understand its unique features and attributes.

    We compare your home to relevant nearby sales and adjust for differences in size, condition and features.

    Our internal property model has analysed thousands of Australian home sales, giving us a deep understanding of local trends and the ability to calculate your MPG amount with precision.

    Frequently asked questions

    We hear this a lot from people unfamiliar with our business model: “How can you give me a market offer on my home and still make enough money to operate? There must be a catch.”

    We hope you can see from our customer testimonials and our public recognition (such as Nine News and being nominated as a finalist for Emerging FinTech of the Year by FinTech Australia) that there is no catch.

    We offer home sellers market prices and we make revenue through the fee we charge (similar to how agents make their revenue) together with rental yield and future capital growth from the homes we acquire. We generally hold on to the homes we acquire for a number of years.

    No, it is completely cost and obligation free to get an offer from us. You can use our offer as a valuation data point or lock it in for leverage to extract higher offers and market price certainty.

    Absolutely not. We’re proud to say that we’ve bought over two-thirds of our customers’ homes meaning that we were ultimately the highest price in market 66% of the times – highlighting the fairness of our offer prices. Moreover, where we were not the highest price, our offer was used as leverage to drive up bids by 8% on average (based on actual known Brickfloor customer experiences).

    We’re building a residential property fund and are looking to buy and hold a portfolio of great Australian homes.

    At the moment we are buying houses, townhouses, units and apartments (excluding multi-level developments with more than 8 apartments) within 50kms of Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane CBD’s in the range of $350,000 to $2,500,000.

    Empowered customers

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